1-(978)-459-7467 / 1-877-558-SIMS
60 Middlesex St. (Rte. 110) Lowell, MA 01852


Parallel Parking has never been easier !


SIM'S Driving School has been in business for more than 20 years serving people in the community. Our  experienced instructors and our simple instructional procedure have been proven working best for a new driver, a nervous driver, as well as a scary accident experienced nervous driver. (The Sixteen-Time (2007-2023) Award Winner from the US Commercial Association (USCA) on the Best of Driving Instruction proves the facts).

Student Getting Driver's License ─ Lowell, MA ─ Sim's Driving School

By Clicking Portal Button below or the Website Widgets at the top right hand side of this tab, you will be linked to log in your account to choose a Service/Session you are looking for;

-On-Road Driving Lesson

-Individual Road Test Sponsor

-Group/Alt./Off Hr.Road Test Sponsor

-Driver's Education Program 

-->Driver's Ed. Classroom Component

-->Driver's Ed. Road Component

-Different Training Packages. etc..

Click and Enroll into the  ONLINE ENROLLMENT  now if you do not have an account yet.


On-Road Driving Lesson(Hourly)

Sign up  ONLINE ENROLLMEMT  now, there are three choices within the On-Road Driving Lesson if you want to choose to fit your skills, your time, and your money.

1st Choice/Progressive Choice:

The Progressive Choice; you can choose the service to start learning to build your driving skills and driving confidences progressively on a professional practice at the first place; from Pre-Driving, Start and Stop Vehicle, Pull-Out and Go to traffic, Pull Over and Park, Left Turn, Right Turn conditioning and then move up to sophisticated Driving Skills. To do so you can learn to practice to build your safe driving skills confidently since the first place. You are able to do so till you get your Driver's License, the school will for sure help you through to build your skills successfully under the instruction outlines.

2nd Choice/Selective Choice:

The Selective Choice; you can choose the service by selecting only for doing particular driving skills such as Backing-up, Parallel Park, Highway Driving and/or Hill-Start or any other skills which you feel not confidence enough to do and pass a first Road Test and,

3rd Choice/Evaluative Choice:

The Evaluative Choice; you can choose the service for only doing an evaluation of your current driving skills so that you will know whether you are qualified to pass a Road Test. If your driving skills are not fluently enough, an instructor will tell you what to do. The instructor is able to tell you right away about the qualification of your driving skills during driving session. On the session, the instructor will tell you to keep practicing the skills that you have been doing correctly right. The instructor will correct your skills that need to be corrected. And the instructor will teach you new driving skills that you need to drive safely to pass a road test.

On-Road Driving Lesson is a Driver Training scheduling hourly basis. When you need an assistance, our instructor will guide you (driver student) through any selection during the instructions.

Individual Road Test Sponsor

Sign up ONLINE ENROLLMEMT now! Sponsoring Road Test, the school will provide the necessaries required for your road test include;

1-A car being used; Use a school car, which is professionally equipped to meet your road test requirement.

4-A person being sponsored; Our school instructor, who is professionally experienced, to be your road test Sponsor.

If you already booked your road test and need help with that Road Test. You may purchase Road Test Sponsorship Package. The package of this service gives you an opportunity to refresh your driving skills with our experienced professional driving instructor. Our Instructors know what the RMV examiner looking for so you can be more prepared to pass the test.

Group/Alternative/Off Hour Road Test

Sign up ONLINE ENROLLMENT now if you are not our existing student. You may submit your name to the Submission/Waitlist to the Group/Alt./Off Hour Road Test at "Student Portal".

We will work and provide you the following items;

1-Books and gets an approval from the RMV for the road test appointment.

2-Welcomes an Assigned Examiner from the RMV for the road test appointment.

3-Provides a Certified Instructor from the school to be the road test sponsor.

4-Provides an Equipped Car being used for the road test appointment.

The school will use the in-file students' contact information to let them know at least a week ahead of time, when getting an approval from the RMV.

Alternative/Off-Hour Road Test Sponsor is a road test service which assigned and approved by Registry of Motor Vehicles ( RMV) for driving school doing a road test out of their official business hours. This Alt./Off-Hour Road Test, the student just comes to the school or the school assigned place doing the test.

Read D.O.T. / R.M.V. policy at


Discount Driver Training Package:



Driver Training Package is a package which gives a process of driving service guiding student first, second, third, and every step of driver training to obtain a driver license (from Learners Permit Holder to Driver License Holder).The package has a maximum of twelve (12) hours On-Road Driving Lessons with a free Alt./Off Hour Road Test Sponsor.

1-On-Road Driving Lesson:

The On-Road Driving Lesson is a process of twelve schedule appointments which content a total of twelve hours for On-Road Driving Lesson. It is suggested that student chooses schedule in a series of retail On-Road Driving Lesson from Retail #1, # 2, # 3, and so on.

It starts from; Pre-Driving, Start and Stop Vehicles, Drive Straight and Curve, Pull Out and Go, Pull Over and Park, Right & Left Turn Conditioning, Backing Up, Three Point Turn, Park on Hill, Parallel Park, Back/Start up Hill as well as exposing to Different Situations and Traffic Areas. These also include explanation of the definitions of; Driving Terms, Traffic Regulations, Rules of the Road, Defensive Driving, and Special Driving Situations.


The Driver Training Package is originally prepared specifically for students who are 18 and above. The over 18-year-old student does not bind to the requirement of the State Laws to do the Driver's Education Program.

1- Languages:

Enrollment is most likely accepted for student who speaks the languages of the existing instructors of the school. American English is our school official language use. Language interpreter is not allowed in the In-Car Instruction due to the insurance coverage policy.


To be legible to enroll for the package, student has to have a valid Learners Permit. The student must be aware of his/her Learners Permit expiration date. School can arrange a special extra express service of any kind but the student is the one who is responsible for his/her succession before the expiration of the Learners Permit.


A full payment is seven hundred eighty ($65X12hr=$780). Otherwise, the retail fee of sixty five ($65.USD) for an hour On-Road Driving Lesson is still an option. A redeemable account is created for the full payment paid. For the student who has the redeemable account will be able to apply/credit/redeem the fee from the account while requesting schedule in the online system.

 Any charge or fee made by the Registry of Motor Vehicles is a sole responsibility of the student.


1- Schedule:

Schedule is available online. Students may go online at  https://www.simsdrivingschool.com/schedules to find open slots to schedule On-Road Driving Lesson which fits their adherable date and time. A definite accepted/agreed schedule appointment must be adhered.

2. Reschedule:

Reschedule option is available if it is not less than one week prior to the actual set schedule date and time.


The package comes with an Alt./Off Hour Road Test with the school, but student has to inform the school for his/her readiness.

 The school, will work for you with the following details(4);

->1-Books and gets approval from the RMV for your road test appointment.

->2-Accepts an Assigned Examiner from the RMV for your road test appointment.

->3-Provides a Certified Instructor from the school to be your road test sponsor.

->4-Provides an Equipped Car being used for your road test appointment.



The school reserves its rights to practice and bring into practice the school business standard and professional driving school operation requirement. The school reserves its rights not to accept student who, seen, is not ready for the lessons. The school reserves its right to drop off with a refund of the remaining deposited fund of any student who, seen, is not co-operating with instructor(s) or not speaking the school officially use language. When the refund is given, any obligation and liability to the package is null. The school reserves its rights to keep as a profit for any probable remaining deposit if in any reason the student get his/her driver license. The policy may change at any time without notice, so one enrollment can not be exactly the same as the other.

Driver's Education Program:

Sign up ONLINE ENROLLMENT now, Upon satisfactorily completion of the program and the fee paid, the Driver Education Certificate will be requested to issue and kept record in the online database of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (Registry of Motor Vehicles).



A Complete Driver Education Program contains three components; a Student Classroom Component, a Road Component, and a Parent Curriculum Component.


1-Driver's Ed.  Classroom Component: 

Within the student classroom component, there are thirty (30) hours requirement to cover theoretically the specific fifteen modules. The thirty hours classroom component is divided into ten sessions of three hour class within the program. A minimum of a fifteen minute break after every two continuous hours of instruction is given within each session. The ten classes are supposed to work on the learning objectives of those fifteen modules: 

  • Introduction to Drivers Education (Module#001)
  • Signs, Signals and Road Markings (Module#002)
  • Understanding the Vehicle and Its Controls (Module#003)
  • Basic Driving Skills (Module#004)
  • Rules of the Road (Module#005)
  • Making Safe Driving Decisions (Module#006)
  • Sharing the Road (Module#007)
  • How Natural Laws Effect Driving (Module#008)
  • Different Driving Environments (Module#009)
  • Driving in All Weather Conditions (Module010)
  • Mental and Physicals Effects on Driving (Module#011)
  • The Dangers of Alcohol, Drugs & Driving (Module#012 & 013)
  • The Consequences of Unsafe Driving and Poor Decision Making (Module#014)
  • Handling Emergencies and Breakdowns (Module#015).


Each and every Module has it own learning objective which needs to be worked on. Each and every student must be able to answer those objectives after completion. Besides, there is a final test that each and every student must fulfill the requirement of passing grade eighty percent or greater. When those objectives are made, the student will be knowledgeable on the materials which include; Massachusetts Driver License, The Driver s License Privilege, Motor Vehicle Safety, Rules of the Road, Defensive Driving, Special Situations, and Vehicle Ownership. (The Learning Objectives are available in the classroom session).


2-Driver's Ed. Road Component: 

Road Component is eighteen (18) hours requirement within which twelve (12) On-Road-Driving schedules. Each schedule consists of two hours session of one hour driving and one hour observing another student driver. If the student has a Learner Permit with a certificate of completion of the parent class. On the road, the theories of the classroom modules will be interpreted to make the student learn and experience with the actuality and reality of the driving world behind-the-wheel driving. Make student realizes the obligation of a driver being on the road driving. The driving skills will gain naturally from conditioning and practicing of those driving maneuver such as; Pre-Driving, Driving Straight and Curve, Pull Over and Park, Pull Out and Go to the traffic, Turn Right, Turn Left, Right & Left Turn, Backing Up, Three Point Turn, Park on Hill, Parallel Park, Back/Start up Hill, Practice Driving under the rules of the road and experiencing with Different Driving Situations, Traffic Signs, Traffics Signals and Traffic Conditions (The On-road Driving Procedure is available at the In-Car Instruction session).


3-Parental Curriculum Component: 

The Parental Curriculum Component is two hour session. The attendee can be either a Parent/Legal Guardian or Designee whoever legally allowed. The Parent Curriculum is required to be completed under the provision of the Massachusetts General Law Chapter 90. Section 8 and 540 CMR 23.06 (1) 3 in a program of Driver Education Instruction as prescribed by the Massachusetts Registrar of Motor Vehicles. At the session parent will work on the parent Module which will cover the Junior Operator Laws, Parent/Guardians Role in supporting the Laws, the Driving Skills the young driver needs to master, The Driver's Education Program, and Family Driving Behaviors.




The Drivers Education Program is prepared to accept students from age fifteen (15) and nine months. The student age under eighteen must have consent of Parent/Legal Guardian. To enroll to the program, the student must meet the requirement; be a legal resident of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, be at least age 15 years and nine months, have parent consent, be ready and able to be trained, be able to speak American English.

1- Age: 

To be legible to enroll for the Driver's Education Program, a student must be at least age 15 years and nine months. 

2- Consent: 

If a student is under age 18, he/she must obtain consent of his/her parent or legal guardian before he/he is accepted to the class. 

3- Learners Permit: 

To be legible to complete the program the student must obtain a valid Learner's Permit. The student has to make an effort to obtain a Learner's Permit, especially while doing the classroom sessions. For an effort to get a Learner's Permit, the Driver Education Student is allowed to join any other class or program repeatedly as needed to pass the Written Test. 

4- Medical Condition: 

Student has to understand that physical and mental aptitude fit for driving is legitimately need. Any medical condition that may block the way for success need to be informed to avoid a non-refunded service determination while found unable to perform the tasks at the instruction session. 

5- Readiness:

Student has to understand that he/she wants to be trained; to do driving lesson, to prepare to take road test, to be a driver who will drive independently. Readiness and preparedness make student success for those of safety, obtaining license and even saving money. 

6- Languages: 

American English is our school official language use. Enroller, who speaks the languages of the existing instructors of the school, is usually accepted. Language interpreter is not allowed in the In-Car Instruction due to the insurance coverage policy. 



A full payment is vary depending on the purchase package, either Driver's Ed. Classroom Component or Driver's Ed. Road Component. Otherwise, the retail fee of twenty ($20.UDS) for a Classroom Session and sixty five ($65.USD) for an hour On-Road Driving Lesson is always an option. A redeemable account is created for the full payment paid. For the student who has the redeemable account will be able to apply/credit/redeem the fee from the account while requesting schedule in the online system.

Any charge or fee made by the Registry of Motor Vehicles is a sole responsibility of the student.



Completion is a satisfactory completion. It is satisfactorily completed, when the requirements of; the Student Classroom Component, the Road Component, the Parental Curriculum Component are done. This policy allows the school to submit its request for Driver's Education Certificate only when student has satisfactorily completed the program. It is First Comes First Serves Basis. It means that the earliest the student could have satisfactorily completed the components and the Certificate Fee paid, the school will request the certificate online. The Registry of Motor Vehicles /D.O.T. will issue and record the Driver Certificate directly to RMV/DOT (eService Portal) online database. 





Schedule is set up for the conveniences of students. It is normally in the evening for the Classroom Component. And open online schedule for Road Component. And second week for Parent Curriculum Component. 

Classroom Session/ Schedule:

The classroom schedule is normally 4:30pm to 7:30pm for a regular class and 9:00am to 3:00pm for an accelerated class.

-The regular class; the classroom session/schedule is set every month base on the school policy. The class is usually started on Mondays of every month and make through Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for two weeks.

-For the accelerated class; the Classroom Session/Schedule is on the no-school-day (public school vacation) the week period. The class will not be started if the enrolled students show up less than five (5) and moved to next week or next schedule. Student will not be accept for a certain program if the number is more than thirty (30). Next classroom schedule will be posted one after another at www.simsdrivingschool.com and the school location. Those students who need to make up the missed class(s) have to register  or contact the school for the next available program.

On-Road Driving Lesson: 

The On-Road Driving Lesson schedule appointment is allowed to scheduled online https://www.simsdrivingschool.com/our-services#HourlyOn-RoadDrivingLesson . If is not online the student available time is requested to be providing to the school. A definite schedule is matched between the available time of the student and available time of the school. The definite schedule is normally linked, informed, and agreed. The agreed schedule(s) has to be abided by the involve parties. Unless there is a logical reason to reschedule not less than 24 hours. The student will be picked up and dropped off at student's preferable place in town (Lowell); at home, at work, at school, at store. At a bus or train station if student lives out of our prime business location (Lowell). Students, who could complete their account balance, have priority to get more schedules to complete their road component before the others , who couldn't.

Parent Curriculum: 

The Parent Class is normally 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Parent Curriculum schedule is usually set for the third week of the Driver Education Program. A registration and/or an invitation letter is linked to the contact information available in our THRYV Student Account. Attendee can be either parent/legal guardian or designee.



The classroom sessions of an assigned program are required to attend from the enrolled student regularly. The agreed schedule must be abided unless there is logical reason to cancel not less than 18 hours. In case of unavoidable absence, parent or student  have to call to the assigned school telephone number (978-4549-7467).


3- Make up: 

Each and every student is expected to attend the assigned program and class regularly. Make up class is a must if either class, the Classroom or On-Road, had missed. It is of course a student responsibility to register or contact the school to make up the missed class(s) when the next program available.




If any dispute, a current policy will always be used. A special consideration needs to be made by the management level when it is encountered not in the written policy.




The school reserves its rights to practice and bring into practice the school business standard and professional driving school operation requirement. The school reserves its right not to accept more students to the particular class when the enrollment number is more than thirty and not to open the particular class when the enrolled students show up is less than five. The school reserves its rights not to accept student who, seen, is not ready for the class. The school reserves its right to drop off with a refund of the remaining deposited fund of any student who, seen, is not co-operating with instructor(s) or not speaking the school officially use language (English). When the refund is given any obligation and liability to the program is null. The policy may change at any time without notice so one enrollment can not be exactly the same as the other.




See the Packages




Any charge or fee made by the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles is a sole responsibility of student's own expense. They are; fifteen ($15) dollars driver certificate fee, thirty five ($35) dollars road test fee, and fifty ($50) dollars driver license issuance fee.


Address: 60 Middlesex St Lowell, Massachusetts 01852
60 Middlesex St. (Rte.110) Lowell, MA 01852 (978) 459-7467 SimsDrivingSchool@yahoo.com
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